
ARCHICAD 20 and later
last update: 12.01.09
Parametric 3D rock/boulder.
Parameters include:
- shear count/smoothness/resolution
- 3D rotation/tilt
- material
- fill(s)
- pen color(s)
archiGREEN | Solar Panel

ARCHICAD 20 and later
last update: 09.25.21
An array-able solar panel based on popular manufacturers specifications.
Parameters include:
- graphically sizable (stretchy)
- mounting options
- 3D appearance options
- misc. dimensions
- 2D symbol appearance options
- material(s)
- pen(s)
- energy calculations
- LEED calculations
- AC standard listing parameters
$38.00 USD
archiGREEN | Wind Power

ARCHICAD 20 and later
last update: 09.25.21
A customizable single propeller-style wind powered generator based on popular manufacturers specifications.
Parameters include:
- graphically sizable (stretchy)
- number of blades
- 3D appearance options
- misc. dimensions
- 2D symbol appearance options
- material(s)
- pen(s)
- energy calculations
- LEED calculations
- AC standard listing parameters
$32.00 USD
archiGREEN | Cistern

ARCHICAD 20 and later
last update: 09.25.21
A customizable above-ground and/or below-ground rain water collection cistern.
Parameters include:
- graphically sizable (stretchy)
- install type
- 3D appearance options
- misc. dimensions
- 2D symbol appearance options
- material(s)
- pen(s)
- capacity
- LEED calculations
- AC standard listing parameters
$32.00 USD
archiGREEN | Tankless WH

ARCHICAD 20 and later
last update: 09.25.21
A customizable tankless water heater based on popular manufacturers specifications, both fuel-fired and electric styles.
Parameters include:
- graphically sizable (stretchy)
- install type
- 3D appearance options
- misc. dimensions
- 2D symbol appearance options
- material(s)
- pen(s)
- energy calculations
- LEED calculations
- AC standard listing parameters
$12.00 USD
archiGREEN | Heat Pump

ARCHICAD 20 and later
last update: 09.25.21
A customizable mechanical heat pump based on popular manufacturers specifications.
Parameters include:
- graphically sizable (stretchy)
- 3D appearance options
- misc. dimensions
- 2D symbol appearance options
- material(s)
- pen(s)
- energy calculations
- LEED calculations
- AC standard listing parameters
$12.00 USD
archiGREEN | Bike Rack

ARCHICAD 20 and later
last update: 09.25.21
A customizable popular "wave" style bicycle rack.
Parameters include:
- graphically sizable (stretchy)
- number of spaces
- 3D appearance options
- misc. dimensions
- 2D symbol appearance options
- material(s)
- pen(s)
- LEED calculations
- AC standard listing parameters
$19.00 USD
Wall Panel

ARCHICAD 20 and later
last update: 09.26.21
WallPanel is a highly parametric construction element that is a "must" for any project requiring repetitive walls or panels with reveals and/or joints. Examples for uses: tilt-up wall construction, pre-cast panels, decorative inlay panels.
Parameters include:
- graphically sizable (stretchy)
- variable wall end heights (pitched)
- wall tilt angle
- 5 sizable and moveable openings/niches
- equally spaced horiz. and vert. reveals
- 8 independently spaced horiz. reveals
- 8 independently spaced vert. reveals
- all reveals are independently sizable
(w x h x d, and chamfer)
- edge reveals, mitering, and masking
- 2D symbol appearance options
- material(s)
- pen(s)
- dynamic hotspots for on-screen editing